Sunday, April 22, 2012


my body likes exactly 8 hrs of sleep. i don't wanna be waking up too early 2m and being pissy so i'm staying up....

haven't blogged in a long time.
uhh... idk. lol. life has been stressful lately. :( school is killing me and so is my health... sucks, really. but w/e. i'm glad my boyfriend is helping me through everything. and my friends are so great to me too. always know what to say and keep me up..

since i haven't been feeling too well as of recently, babe has constantly been taking care of me and driving me everywhere because it's a pain in the ass for me to drive. i hate driving to school. thank god i don't have to do it til monday... he knows how much i despise driving for right now, so he always picks me up and stuff. he also knows that i'm super tired and he drives me home early. :)

we've had rough times.. and they're super hard to overcome.... i always want to just walk away because i don't like to work hard for things but he makes me want to put in the extra effort. relationships should be effortless sometimes, but it can't always be like that. he constantly reminds me that he loves me and that i'm the best girlfriend and stuff. that makes me happy. we're always gonna dislike things about each other, but compromise is the biggest part of any healthy and loving relationship. nobody's perfect, but we do what we can.

i think our relationship has been hard for me lately just because my health is not as good as i wish i was. i'm always tired, headachey and stuff...which makes me cranky and lazy.. not even necessarily lazy, but i just never want to do anything... i don't know. i'm tired now. lol -_-;

well w/e at least i updated my blog. bye!!

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