Sunday, March 4, 2012

call me maybe

so addicted to that song omfg

idk what to get my boyfriend for his birthday :(

i made him a post it note scavenger hunt in his bedroom when we got to his house earlier as a cute little gesture and i think he liked it :) he got mad after a couple and said that my hiding places were ridiculous or something like that but i ended up forgetting where i hid them because he took so long. but i remembered a couple places and those ended up being the places that he didn't look. i repeated #6 & forgot #11 hehe. oh wells. 15in total. twas cute. i have an idea of what i want to get him but it's going to be so lame and i'm afraid he won't like it.

i'm pretty sure he doesn't read my blog anymore because he doesn't look at my twitter anymore because i had to private it because my boss mentioned it once and it made me pretty fucking uncomfortable...

so okkkkk.. i'm afraid that he might want something more materialistic, but i don't have very much money so i don't want to be cheap and get him some lame ass gift. i want his birthday gift to be something that will mean something to him but at the same time not be cheap. damn it. i hate being broke rofl. fuck life, i spend way too much money on food. i think he'd appreciate if i got him something cute. like if i were to make something, but i'm not sure what he would be able to do with it. he doesn't really need anything... and anything that he does need he can get on his own. this is difficult :( girls are much easier to shop for. actually i'm pretty hard to shop for because i don't like a lot of things. lmfao same w/him though :(

fuckk.. i wanna be cute and make something really meaningful to me but what if it's not meaningful to him? what if he thinks its lame :( then i'll be a sadgirlfriend. i want to do something special for him on the day of his birthday too. he took the day off from working which makes me kind of happy because i get to spend more time with him than usual. only a few hours..but i'm definitely trying to figure out how to make it all memorable <3

ahhhh all these crazy thoughts in my head, none of them bad or anything i'm just trying to figure out how to make this good for the MAN i love (: hehe. i love him so mucho. he's really the best thing that has happened to me. not that he is a thing but him being in my life just makes me so happy. we argue and fight and we have disputes and alll that negative shit.. but at the end of the day its him i want to be with. no one comes close at all.. it's crazy, i never thought i'd be so crazy about anyone.

never ever in my wildest dreams did i think that i would find something like this. i always pictured relationships in my head, and from what i see in movies/tv shows... i always figured i'd find something like that; but this is so much better. this is far beyond what i ever thought i would get. we have so much fun together, we usually get along and we talk about every single thing. i'm comfortable talking to him about everything, and every little aspect of our relationship. our communication is so strong, and that's what makes our relationship so comfortable. we aren't afraid to say things to each other, and we always talk. we talk about every little single thing, so we know to quit the bad and continue the good.

i always wanted one of those cute relationships like in the movie.. um.. sleepover! omfg, sean farris DROOOOOLLLLL.... anyways, i've always wanted one of those "i saw her from across the room" kind of relationships, but those are kind of weird if i think about it more haha. i mean, thomas and i started off pretty quick. we texted and shit, but once we hung out in person...bAMMM. ahhaha.

how things happened so quickly is far beyond me, but we are at such a good point in our relationship right now. we are in love. and it scares the living christ out of me....but it's so good. it is so fucking amazing to be in love. i don't even know. everything is just intensified. sooo fucking intensified. and i mean, that's good and bad. because when we love, we fucking love. we take it seriously, and we are committed and dedicated to one another. but when we fight....oh my god do we fight. it gets better but just arguing with someone for whom you have so much regard, someone with whom you just don't want to argue.... it's a fucking terrrrible feeling. it puts such a strain on everything.

what i love is the connection we have with one another. it's not something that i can find with everyone, trust & believe. it feels surreal. there are certain things that don't have to be said, there are certain things that have to be said. it's unexplainable... i wish i could explain it but it's also a feeling that i get for him. feelings should be easy to explain...hahaah who the fuck am i kidding. feelings are the most difficult things to explain -- especially when they're mixed. not mixed as in positive+negative, but mixed as in too many things at once. tooo many emotions/feelings at once. i don't even know where to start.

i haven't blogged inforever and a is why this is so long and ..weird. hsflajfda; i'm craycray

<3 bye

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