Saturday, July 28, 2012


Woke up at ..not even the crack of dawn, but like 3:30AM, and started to get ready.. Didn't have a chance to eat anything, so just grabbed some crackers and dipped. Dad picked me up and we drove up to Sausalito. Took 2 bonine that basically did NOTHING for me. Got to the yacht harbor and boarded. Left at bout 5:30AM, and it was just downhill once we got to sea. The boat stopped for a bit and I could feel the waves and shit, so I walked outside to yack. Sat down then yacked again. That pretty much went on four times for a good hour.. And afterwards, someone gave me a pill for nausea and vomiting and it knocked me the fuck out for a good few hours. Woke up, yacked again... and that nice little cycle happened another four times.

I caught no fish.
My dad caught no fish.
I am never going fishing ever again in my life.

"Well if my daughter can't do this, I guess I'll just have to take my son-in-law."
I'm never getting married, either.

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