Saturday, July 21, 2012


I'm sure I'm not the only person who has these...
Anyways, todays shower epiphany was relationships. My fuckin' favorite... SIKE. I fucking hate thinking about relationships to be honest. Being in one ain't too bad (most of the time), but thinking about it.. Blah.

Yesterday I was talking with a friend, and relationships came up in conversation. I'm fucking bitter right now. Extremely bitter. Bitter, and have been for the past week or so.. Probably longer than that, but from what I remember clearly, the past week. I basically said fuck it all, relationships are basically overflows of emotion and wastes of money. Ain't that the truth though?

That definitely was not my shower epiphany, but it really does help connect everything together, in my opinion. So here goes nothing!

I basically thought to myself that society makes us believe that a "perfect" relationship consists of many things. Among those things are: men paying for every single thing, random and unexpected gifts, and pretty much the royal fuckin' treatment. Now, that all sounds great. That sounds absolutely amazing. Realistically speaking though, it ends up fading away. The flowers, chocolates and gifts slowly dwindle away over time. Why? Because the chase is over.

The chase is not only before the relationship happens. It's not only before the relationship is official or exclusive. It happens in the beginning of all relationships. The chase occurs so that the guy has a hold on the girl. Eventually, her heart belongs to him, and his to her. As people grow, it's not about the gifts, the money, or the showiness of the relationship. It's about how people connect with one another. It's about how people get along, and where their happiness combine to form love.

I mean sure, I love receiving gifts. Who doesn't? I don't feel that they're essential to a relationship, though. It's trust and love that matters. Trust, love, happiness, and commitment. Isn't that what a relationship is about? Since when did material things and money come into play in all that business?

Anyways, I probably just reminisce a little too much. I do think about my future all the time. When I consider it, I realize that these little things like the gifts and the meals aren't gonna matter in the future. They seem so significant right now, but eventually they'll all be forgotten. It's important to live in the moment, but it's also important to consider the future. When I'm married and our bank accounts are basically joined, why would it matter who's paying for dinner? Why would it matter who's buying who the gifts? It all comes from the same damn place.

Anyways the conclusion of my little epiphany pretty much goes like this:
The material things won't matter in the future, don't let them matter now and ruin worthwhile relationships.

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